Sunday, December 2, 2012

 Marriage equality

I belong to the same school of thought as one of my US Government classmates that same-sex marriage is a “bedroom issue.”  I also agree with her opinion that the issue” does spill over into rights to access health insurance and the ability to invest together.”  I do not think that a citizen’s personal choice as to who they partner with has any place in politics because to me it does not matter who you marry.  However, citizens in same-sex relationships should have the same rights and benefits as straight couples.  Although it has been “two decades in which gay rights moved from the margin to capture the support of most Americans, opinion polls now show a majority of Americans favor marriage equality.”  “Defenders of Proposition 8 say their case raises the profoundly important question of whether the ancient and vital institution of marriage should be fundamentally redefined.”  Absolutely! The institution of marriage should be redefined!”  They said it themselves that the “institution is ancient” and the world in which we live in today is not the same as it was when the “ancient” parameters of a traditional heterosexual marriage were defined.  I hope the Supreme Court’s “actions do lead to the legalization of same-sex marriage in California” and hopefully in the near future all 50 states someday embrace same-sex unions.  “It’s time for marriage equality!”