Monday, October 1, 2012

My political stance

I am not very politically active, I do not follow politics in the news or media very often, and I do not have an affiliation with any particular political party.  I am, however, a very dedicated community activist.  My passion for community service began many years ago when I volunteered for the first time at a church vacation bible school and a few years after I graduated high school I joined the Americorps National Community Corps.  Currently, I volunteer as a Girl Scout Troop Leader and classroom helper at Menchaca Elementary school.  I have also had the great pleasure to volunteer for organizations such as the Capital Area Food Bank, Austin Parks Foundation, Front Steps, Inc., and Manchaca United Methodist church.  My career goal is to move beyond volunteering and gain employment within a nonprofit organization.  A personal goal I have set for myself is to pay more attention to politics, local in particular, and to participate in voting more often than I have in the past.  This course is a great starting point and stepping stone to achieving my personal goal. 

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