Wednesday, October 10, 2012


One of the steps to take in achieving my goal to become a more politically active citizen is to be more aware of the politicians running for office (and not just the President). In the past, I have (shamefully) gone to the polls and voted for candidates based on very little, if any, information.  During my research for US Government 2305 and personal development, I came across an article about a” Legislative Arkansas candidate” by the name of Charles Fuqua. According to an article by the Huffington Post, , Fuqua believes not only that "a process could be set up to allow for the institution of the death penalty for "rebellious children," but he is also an "advocate  for expelling Muslims from the U.S., saying it would solve what he described as the "Muslim problem." This man is absolutely appalling and I would never vote for a person as offensive and insensitive as Charles Fuqua. Not only do I wonder who supports this type of leader and office-seeker but what if I voted for this type of politician simply due to my lack of knowledge regarding a candidate?  I realize now more than ever how important is it to be familiar with the nominees running for office.

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