Friday, November 16, 2012

Recreational Marijuana

A fellow United States Government classmate of mine, Nicholas Dorset, posted a political blog about the "recent approved amendment that would allow for the recreational use of marijuana".  I highly recommend reading his thoughtful and very interesting post.  I completely agree with his position that "the legalization of marijuana is long past due."  Not only is marijuana less harmful than alcohol it is less lethal as well.  According to Dr. Lester Grinspoon at Harvard Medical School, "there are no deaths from cannabis use. Anywhere."  The health benefits of marijuana use can include pain and nausea relief, antidepressant, improved blood sugar, reduced blood pressure and intraocular pressure associated with glaucoma, and anxiety relief.  The legalization of recreational marijuana will reduce the number of citizens "being prosecuted for crimes such as possession" and as a result free up jail space in our nation's jails.  Another beneficial outcome to the legalization of cannabis is the boost to the economy "in that is allows for legal distribution and taxation of marijuana." The taxes collected on the sales of recreational marijuana could potentially generate "$2.2 and $6.4 billion per year".  I anticipate that several other states will follow suit of the legalization now that Washington and Colorado have started the end of the marijuana prohibition.  Once legalized, the sales of cannabis can be regulated just like alcohol and tobacco, and a new, legal market will open up, stimulating our economic slump and reduce unemployment by creating new jobs in the marijuana market.  The Texas Democrat party "endorses marijuana decriminalization."  We may just see this amendment in Texas some time very soon.

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