Monday, November 26, 2012


I have a tendency to lean towards idealism when it comes to the foreign policies of our nation.  I believe that “values such as democracy, freedom, and cultural diversity” are major components of the American culture.  As American citizens, we are fortunate to have peace in our nation.  Not to say that we don’t have turmoil in our country but we are not launching rockets at our neighboring states unlike the people affected by the Israel-Gaza conflict that began mid-November 2012.  “After a week-long war between Israel and Palestine, a cease-fire was agreed upon”.   The idealist in me wants these nations to be liberated, peaceful and feel safe just like the majority of the citizens that live in the United States.  However, the realist in me does not want to impose any unwanted ideals on a nation and also recognizes that military force might be utilized in some situations.  Fortunately, for now due to the “temporary cessation of violence and President Obama’s hands-off approach to the latest strife over Gaza” the United States is limiting its participation in the conflict; although our presence was known.  “Among the comings and goings during the cease-fire negotiations were the UN Secretary General and the American Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton." Will the cease-fire between Israel and Palestine last and what type of role will the United States Government play in the resolution to their conflict?  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced "in the days ahead, the United States will work with our partners here in Israel and across the region toward an outcome that bolsters security for the people of Israel, improves conditions for the people of Gaza and moves toward a comprehensive peace for all people of the region.”  The first goal to accomplish is a resolution that does not involve bombs, rockets, or deadly explosives of any kind.  My prayers go out to the innocent victims of these recent attacks in Israel and Palestine and I hope that no more violence errupts in this region.  They are facing a potentially volatile future in the next few weeks with “the anniversary of the United Nations vote on accepting the Partition Plan in 1947 which led to the founding of the Jewish State, the United Nations' International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People and the Israeli elections” all coming up. Hopefully, these events will not disrupt the cease-fire and as an idealist, I hope that over time the Middle East will find its peace.  

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